These are answers from Christians to Christians. Jews are welcomed to eavesdrop
- it might help Jews to understand how some Christians think.
These are answers from Christians to Christians. Jews are welcomed to eavesdrop
- it might help Jews to understand how some Christians think.
God is moving in BIG
ways. . .
God has heard and answered the cry of the remnant and has issued a prophetic call and vision to raise 100 million Intercessors for Israel. This is a movement coming forth through prophetic promises that have been given and confirmed to IHOPKC nearly 40 years ago.
During Truman’s first term as President of the United States, he acted against the counsel of most of his political advisers and officially recognized the modern State of Israel, on May 14th, 1948.
Thirty-five years later in 1983, Bob Jones, an unknown prophet at the time, encountered a young pastor by the name of Mike Bickle. Bob told Mike that because President Truman was a political intercessor for Israel, God was going to do a work in Kansas City to raise up spiritual intercessors across the nations for Israel at an appointed time and that Kansas City would birth this move of God which would affect the nations and impact Israel.
In the early days of Mike’s ministry, Bob told him that the Lord would establish 24-7 prayer and worship amidst a global youth movement. Bob also said that God would place Mike and his congregation on Truman’s property in Grandview, Missouri as a sign to them of what was to come. This, of course, has all come to pass. In 2008, IHOPKC was given a deed to the Truman land through divinely orchestrated circumstances.
Amazingly, when the agreements between the Truman Sports Complex for The Send event were being finalized, there was only one date the stadium had available. It just so happens that it was May 14th, 2022, the 74th anniversary of Israel’s statehood (also the 888th month) and of President Truman’s intercessory act of recognition. On August 8th of 1975, Bob Jones was shown a vision of a youth movement coming out of the Harry Truman Sports Complex. He said he saw “jumping, singing, shouting, rejoicing… about 100,000 of them and it will be an ongoing thing too…He is building the eternal Church…bringing a perfect balance among us on the Word and the Spirit…they will begin to set the Church on the proper foundation.”
Would you please intercede with us for the brooding of the Holy Spirit over the Truman land, the stadium, and the birthing of 100 million intercessors for Israel? “It is the set time to favor Zion. (Psalm 102:13) It’s time for the gospel of His kingdom to be manifest in all its fullness and proclaimed in all its power. Let’s partner together with the Lord in seeing this through to fulfillment. “And so the Lord’s fame will be celebrated in Zion, His praises in Jerusalem when multitudes gather together and kingdoms come to worship the Lord.” Psalm 102:21-22
Click here to register as one of 100 million intercessors
For God’s Glory,
David Bradshaw, Awaken the Dawn
Sylvia Laughlin, Altar of Prayer
Tommy Waller, HaYovel
Patricia Bootsma, Virtual Israel House of Prayer
Dean Bye, Return Ministries
Chaim Malespin, Aliyah Return Center
Mike Bickle, IHOP-Kansas City
Return Ministries recently joined IHOPKC, Awaken the Dawn, Lou Engle Ministries, and others to begin raising Intercessors for Israel